Cloetta Jenkki Plus - The Well-being category takeover. With a smile.

Jenkki launched a new and innovative added-value chewing gum which, not only keeps your smile healthy, but also supports overall well-being. The launch was seen as a potential to boost the sails of chewing gum by increasing the use frequency among existing and new Jenkki lovers.

Jenkki Plus


The campaign was built on an existing strong brand communication strategy, with new fresh tones added. The artist and influencer Anna Puu was chosen as the face (and the voice) of the campaign. Anna made her own version of the Jenkki brand song, and the music video-like film was utilized in mass media as well as in social media, including Anna´s Instagram.

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The Jenkki Plus launch was a success, turning the chewing gum category to recovery after a challenging spring due to covid-19. The multichannel campaign reached a high ad recognition and performed especially well among the core target group.